Optimum Health Trajectory

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Marlin Turner
Posts: 38
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:30 pm

Optimum Health Trajectory

Post by Marlin Turner »

Two of my colleagues and I worked a number of sessions for a woman diagnosed with Glioblastoma. In cases such as these, trained remote viewers know exactly how to attack this problem. Instead of messing around and wasting time using TRV to look for a cue using Glioblastoma, standard operating procedure would apply in terms of the following:

[1994/4116] Chandra/optimum health trajectory

My initial two sessions and follow on work depicts a person traveling by plane to a location and her treatment involving multiple needles. Chandra is looking into a treatment involving injecting this type of tumor repeatedly with a modified herpes virus. The location will be in Boston.







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